The Inner Self Rejuvenation Series focuses on recharging and refreshing the entire being by the means of understanding the workings of the internal energy and coupling it with specific yogic practices for achieving well-being.
Inner Self Rejuvenation Series
Detox Series
The Detox Series introduces an array of natural detoxification techniques to cleanse the different parts of the body system such as the sinus, lung, bowel, and organs of digestion. The purpose of these cleansing techniques is to keep the body healthy, clean and rejuvenated.
Yoga Essentials Series
The Yoga Essential Series comprises of the know-how of vital topics for yoga practitioners to enhance their yogic practices, and for the yoga instructors to develop their yogic knowledge.
This is an amazing workshop which will put all participants in an instant position to immediately roll out workable remedies from the household kitchen itself! See workshop.
As the years go by, there are symptoms that tell us that we are not as young as we would like to believe we are – pains and aches, a decrease in stamina, slower metabolism, deteriorating skin appearance, etc. These symptoms are enough to send many looking for the secret of eternal youth. See workshop.
Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body i.e. major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves, and have been described as metaphysical counter parts to the endocrine glands. Learn about the chakras and how we can achieve a total balance through the understanding of these magnificent energy centres. See workshop.
The practice of yoga asanas are well known for their health benefits – Partner with Precision workshop holds true to this claim with some added perks thrown in. This workshop enables the participants to heighten the level of awareness on their own individual body as well as developing sensitivity and respect towards other people. Simply a great way to deepen the yoga asanas which we sometimes have difficulty attempting. See workshop.
Understand the basic anatomy and physiology of the human system along with the inner works of bodily movements. Discover what happened when we bend, flex and stretch our body during yoga sessions, and how simple understanding and awareness of the body system can elevate our well-being. See workshop.
It’s critical to detox when you have unexplained fatigue, breathing problems, constipation, skin conditions, allergies, frequent cold/coughs, migraines, gastric pains, indigestion, excess weight, menstrual difficulties, or mental confusion. Acquire the know-how of yogic natural cleansing of the sinus, lung, bowel, organs of digestion. See workshop.
This course provides the student with the basic elements of ashtanga yoga, to start a journey towards a healthier, and a more peaceful and conscious lifestyle have difficulty attempting. See workshop.
Learn the right way of practicing Pawanmuktasana and Surya Namaskar for making the joints supple and flexible, and removes the hardness of the muscles. See workshop.
This meditative breathing exercise can help you relax, focus, and centre yourself. See workshop.
Wellness Yoga Series
The Wellness Yoga Series utilises a specific code of yogic methodology that is sewn together to deliver the desired effects to targeted systems in the body enabling restoration of optimal health.
Life Skills Series
The Life Skills Series works on understanding the mind-body interrelation to harvest positive outcomes for our daily living.

Radiant Living Series
The Radiant Living Series employs the applications of all-natural ancient techniques and practices with a modern twist for practical adaption.
YogaAsana Series
The YogaAsana Series showcases the intricacies of the selected groups of asanas. It adopts a progressive approach by dissecting the mechanics of the asanas for easy understanding, allowing the practitioners to experience a seamless flow of practice.