Gatyatmak Paschimottanasana (Dynamic Back Stretching Pose)
- July 10, 2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Featured Asana,
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Step by Step:
- Starting position: Lie flat on the back with the feet together. Raise the arms over the head and bring them to the floor with the palms facing up, and relax the whole body.
- Inhale as you raise the trunk to the sitting position with the arms straight above the head, and keeping the spine straight.
- Exhale as you bend forward into paschimottanasana in a smooth movement, and hold here for a short time.
- Inhale as you return to the sitting position with the arms straight above the head.
- Exhale as you lean backwards and return to the starting point.
- Gently stretches the hamstring muscles and increases flexibility of the hip joints.
- Speeds up the circulation and metabolic processes.
- Renders the whole body more flexible while stimulating physical and pranic energy.
People with hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, heart conditions, high blood pressure or any back problem should practice under guidance.